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For as long as I can remember I have loved music with a passion and through DJ’ing and running my label 31, I can share music with people around the world and have done so for over 30 years. Also for as long as I can remember I have loved graffiti, from the thrill of getting up to the mind blowing aspects of wild style, I love the fact that a nobody can be a somebody no matter what the system says. I still follow and admire it to this day, I marvel at it all, from pieces in galleries to the pieces being put up on trains and walls across the world.

So today we launch a new series of limited edition T-shirts that bring together my 2 favourite things in art, music and graffiti. These will be a series of shirt designs where I ask some of my favourite Graff writers to give their take on my labels ’31’ - Some might be intricate designs, some might be a quick throw up and some might be just a good old fashioned fat tag. I couldn’t think of a better way to kick it off and be cat number 31GT001 than my lifelong friend Goldie. As you probably know we share the Metalheadz 001 cat number, but what you probably don’t know is we actually met way before that, when I attended a graffiti exhibition in Birmingham when I was just 15 and he signed my book. Life is funny like that.

PS. Any writers out there that would like to co-lab on a 31 shirt, especially ones that I follow on instagram, hit me up :)

* 100% Cotton Tee

* Official 31 Recordings Tags

* 8 Colour High Quality Screen Print

Also available